I don't think I will ever understand why God chose to make us able to ''get fat!'' I mean I understand that calorie intake is valuable as a newborn/infant/toddler/child....maybe teen....even woman while pregnant...but come on..........why continue with this after age 40 if you aren't going to have children? And for me...well, I can't write about that part...as it is only affecting me and I am sad about ME! (no meaness meant)
Heck, I hit 50 and whammo....became a balloon about to burst. I know my metabalism has slown down, but didn't HE think about that when he made us?
Now, don't get me wrong here, I am not critizing God, just wondering why things weren't thought through a little bit more.
Ah...food is good for the soul, the body, and there is the people out there with this awesome ability to make it LOOK GOOD, TASTE GOOD, JUST GOOD!!...but let me even breath a little and it adds at minimum, 3-5 lbs.
I guess someone will say it is the temptations of the devil...but I have never thought the devil to be that smart!
Just my morning pet peeve after I stepped on the scales and they kept saying, ''ERR''.....lol......
So Lord, if you would just listen to me a sec...I could tell you a couple things about this calorie stuff and maybe you would reconsider????
Love You God,
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